
陳文鈺 – 女高音


Indulge 跨界美聲樂團女主唱。台大法律系畢,美國智慧財產權法碩士,具紐約州律師資格,正職為科技公司的法律顧問。基於對音樂的熱情,大學時代參加吉他社與合唱 團,跟著音樂同好友人一起在音樂中成長,常戲稱自己主修一個台大沒有的系:「音樂系」。工作之餘不斷參與音樂活動,同時盡量找機會學習聲樂,音樂涉獵從民 歌、流行樂、古典聲樂到爵士樂,偶爾也寫寫歌。曾任台大合唱團指揮,參加過國立實驗合唱團、底細爵士合唱團,與好友合組過Sunday Choir;目前仍活躍於台大校友合唱團,並擔任蓮華之音合唱團指導老師。


Wendy, Wen-Yu Chen – Soprano


Wendy Chen is the female singer of Indulge, a music band for crossover music.  Graduated from National Taiwan University with a bachelor degree in law, obtained a master degree in Intellectual Property Law from United States, and admitted to New York State Bar subsequently, she currently works as an in-house lawyer in a technology company in Taipei.  With passion for music, she joined the guitar club and chorus in the university, and enjoyed learning & growing-up together with her friends who are also music lovers.  Utilizing her spare time after work, she tries to participate in various musical performances and take voice lessons from time to time.  Her musical performances include campus folk songs, pop music, classical and jazz.  She also composes music occasionally.  She was the student conductor of National Taiwan University Chorus, member of National Experimental Chorus, Dizzy Jazz Chorus, and Sunday Choir.  Currently, she is an active member of the National Taiwan University Alumni Chorus, and the conductor of the Buddhist Lotus Hospice Care Foundation Chorus.



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    黑暗巴洛克 (since 牯嶺街小劇場)

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