2012年3月28日 12:00 至 13:30
about the performers:
小花(阿飛西雅吉他手, 製作人):
About DJ Point (許志遠),
好打碟之人 由自性而出 心所感而動 真誠而不偽 樂得其道者
About Wendy Chen (陳文鈺)
Indulge 跨界美聲樂團女主唱。台大法律系畢,美國智慧財產權法碩士,具紐約州律師資格,正職為科技公司的法律顧問。基於對音樂的熱情,大學時代參加吉他社與合唱 團,跟著音樂同好友人一起在音樂中成長,常戲稱自己主修一個台大沒有的系:「音樂系」。工作之餘不斷參與音樂活動,同時盡量找機會學習聲樂,音樂涉獵從民 歌、流行樂、古典聲樂到爵士樂,偶爾也寫寫歌。曾任台大合唱團指揮,參加過國立實驗合唱團、底細爵士合唱團,與好友合組過Sunday Choir;目前仍活躍於台大校友合唱團,並擔任蓮華之音合唱團指導老師。
About Sandra Tavali (李婉菁)
專著於使用冷冽的電子音色表現最真摯的人性面。音樂型式跨越古典、電子異響、重金屬搖滾等。經年致力於電腦實驗音樂的演奏與創作、近年來並與台灣新生代導演吳俊輝、陳明秀、陳偉、及Discovery Channel 合作擔任配樂製作。曾經擔任古典(Indulge)、金屬樂團(閃靈樂團, 衹樂團) 鍵盤手,2008年盤古樂團台灣巡迴演出之鍵盤手。
Sandra Tavali (李婉菁), a former keyboard player for heavy metal band Chthonic (閃靈), teams up with DJ point (許志遠), soprano Wendy Chen (陳文鈺) for the experimental Dark Baroque (黑暗巴洛克), a hybrid electronic music performance of classical music, hip-hop and heavy metal sounds.
about this concert:
「Dark Baroques」 is one of the pioneers in multi style music groups. Music includes hip-hop, Asian, musical and classical modes. Above all, they created their unique performance way through this combination.
「the blooming of sound in early spring」is the first series of Dark baroque's outdoor concert in 2012. Feathers the new pieces that carry a polished mythology of random notes and Asia musical theory. Presents the beauty of sound agglomerates the mind and feels in the beautiful early spring.
展演團體簡介(中文150字): http://darkbrq.pixnet.net/ 結合電音與古典樂織,呈現出現代新經典的「黑暗巴洛克」: 鍵盤手/作曲: 李婉菁,DJ/作曲: DJ Point (許志遠),女高音: 陳文鈺
About Sandra Tavali (李婉菁) 鍵盤手/作曲 專著於使用冷冽的電子音色表現最真摯的人性面。音樂型式跨越古典、電子異響、重金屬搖滾等。經年致力於電腦實驗音樂的演奏與創作、近年來並與台灣新生代導演吳俊輝、陳明秀、陳偉、黃皓傑、及Discovery Channel 合作擔任配樂製作。曾經擔任古典(Indulge)、金屬樂團(閃靈樂團, 衹樂團) 鍵盤手,2008年盤古樂團台灣巡迴演出之鍵盤手。 2009年製作音樂劇「黑暗巴洛克」,是台灣首次將古典,金屬,與rap 元素結合的音樂劇作品,推出後場場暴滿,深受好評。2011 年擔任電影「再演一齣戲」配樂製作,配合DVD出版發行原聲帶。 目前除了擔任配樂製作之外,也在大同大學教學電腦音樂創作。
About DJ Point (許志遠) 1990年開始學習唱盤技術,前重傷害、潑猴樂團DJ;赴日本參與多場音樂祭,並受邀至日本Reflash音樂祭演出。2005年首張個人創 作專輯《點 》,涉足東西方之間的神秘與視野,混合超現實電氣與純植物享受,並邀及王宏恩與阿弟仔二位金曲獎得主合作,將北管樂句重新分解並創新融合,勾勒出電子樂與台灣傳統戲曲的未來性。2010 年協助製作並作品參與拷秋勤專輯「無名英雄」發行,獲金曲獎入圍。
About Wendy Chen (陳文鈺) 女高音 Indulge 跨界美聲樂團女主唱。台大法律系畢,美國智慧財產權法碩士,具紐約州律師資格,正職為科技公司的法律顧問。基於對音樂的熱情,大學時代參加吉他社與合唱 團,跟著音樂同好友人一起在音樂中成長,常戲稱自己主修一個台大沒有的系:「音樂系」。工作之餘不斷參與音樂活動,同時盡量找機會學習聲樂,音樂涉獵從民 歌、流行樂、古典聲樂到爵士樂,偶爾也寫寫歌。曾任台大合唱團指揮,參加過國立實驗合唱團、底細爵士合唱團,與好友合組過Sunday Choir;目前仍活躍於台大校友合唱團,並擔任蓮華之音合唱團指導老師。
展演團體簡介(英文150字): Dark Baroque : Keyboardist, composer: Sandra Tavali DJ, Composer: DJ Point Soprano: Wendy Chen Sandra Tavali- Composer, Keyboardist A former keyboard player for heavy metal band Chthonic (閃靈), CHI, Indulge - Classical musical group, and as the acting keyboardist of Pengu during the 2008 tour。Currently is working as a composer for films and teaching Computer Music in Tatung University.
Travali’s music combines the electronic sound and patterns across the classical, electronic sound, hip-hop and heavy metal rock. Recent works including soundtracks for the works of new generation of Taiwan directors Wu Junhui, Chenming Xiu, Chen Wei, Huang Haojie, and Discovery Channel. As the producer of musical "dark Baroque" in 2009, Tavali brought the first musical in Taiwan that mixes the elements including classical, metal, and rap. In 2011, Tavali joined the production for the soundtrack of the movie "Encole", also released the music album as well.
DJ Point-DJ, Composer DJ Point was the member of serious injury, Pohou; and had presentations in Japanese Music Festival such as Reflash. He released the album Point in 2008, which represented the Eastern style in surreal blend of pure plant electrical and enjoy. He joined the work with Di Zi and Wang Hongenand (the co-winner of two Golden Melody Awards), recreated the traditional Taiwanese music style “Bay-Kwan” and traditional opera music into the electrical new music. The join work album, "unsung heroes" in 2010 was selected by the Golden Melody Awards finalists.
Wendy, Wen-Yu Chen – Soprano Wendy Chen is the female singer of Indulge, a music band for crossover music. Graduated from National Taiwan University with a bachelor degree in law, obtained a master degree in Intellectual Property Law from United States, and admitted to New York State Bar subsequently, she currently works as an in-house lawyer in a technology company in Taipei. With passion for music, she joined the guitar club and chorus in the university, and enjoyed learning & growing-up together with her friends who are also music lovers. Utilizing her spare time after work, she tries to participate in various musical performances and take voice lessons from time to time. Her musical performances include campus folk songs, pop music, classical and jazz. She also composes music occasionally. She was the student conductor of National Taiwan University Chorus, member of National Experimental Chorus, Dizzy Jazz Chorus, and Sunday Choir. Currently, she is an active member of the National Taiwan University Alumni Chorus, and the conductor of the Buddhist Lotus Hospice Care Foundation Chorus.
節目內容簡介(中文200字): 我們將這次的演出定名為「早春音花」。想像在早春時在戶外演出的愉悅。音樂充滿疊放卻是自由自在,就像繁花在早春恣意綻放,卻不做作。黃金默契三人組,請來和我們跟著音樂神遊早春!
1. 落花枝 落花枝返見蝴蝶,音符在初春天的空中舞蹈。東方音樂與鋼琴的回想,創造出最剛好的早春溫度。
2. 午夜色情電影 porno in the midnight:KISSME
初春時常有幾個夜晚感覺好到不想睡覺。於是你打開電視向說有什麼好看的節目。但在台灣,我們午夜看電視時,有只有兩件重要事情發生的那個盒子裡面,一個是情色頻道 ,另一個是政治脫口秀。兩者都是在滿足人類的慾望。特別是傳媒業在台灣這幾年變成一個爛攤子後,情色頻道比政治脫口秀變得更加純粹,甚至純潔。大多數人樂此不疲,甘願相信所有的表演,讓自己好像擁有短暫真正的高潮。 在午夜,頭腦變得更清楚時,你突然發現這兩種東西根本一模一樣。
3. 我有一粒卵: 母親寫給新生幼兒的歌。
詞:李婉菁 / 江俊亮 曲:李婉菁 / 陳文鈺 編曲:李婉菁 / 張睿銓
我有一粒卵,我有一粒卵,啊我有一粒卵; 花開的時存,白鷺鷥送乎阮,啊~親像在眠夢。
五月天日頭赤,雨水來相趕, 七彩色ㄝ天邊,像咧抹胭脂。 想你心頭軟,伴你到天光, 我的心肝仔卵。
我有一粒卵,我有一粒卵,啊我有一粒卵; 願望伊快樂,望伊饒呷飯,啊勇敢又聰明。
在山區,稻田,在清晨,聞到家鄉的味道,所以你知道你為什麼在地球上,成長,為生活耕耘。生活不容易,你會為自己活下去,因為你知道,每年都有春天。 |
「Dark Baroques」 is one of the pioneers in multi style music groups. Music includes hip-hop, Asian, musical and classical modes. Above all, they created their unique performance way through this combination.
「the blooming of sound in early spring」is the first series of their outdoor concert in 2012. Feathers the new pieces that carry a new mythology of random notes and Asia musical theory. Presents the beauty of sound agglomerates the mind and feels in early spring.
Program for this performance:
1. Falling flowers The falling flowers become butterflies, like the music note dance in the sky in the early spring. The Asian style music arrangement with the piano sound creates the best fever for the early spring.
2. Porno in the midnight When we watch TV in the midnight in Taiwan, there are only two things happening inside that box, one is porno, and the other is political talk show. They both are similar in a way. Though Porno becomes more pure than the political talk show since media industry is in a mess in Taiwan. But most of people’s minds are still leaded by this crazy box. you believe in fake.
3. I have an egg A song written by a new born baby’s mother.
4. Deep In the mountain, in the rice field, in the early morning, you smell the flavor of the hometown, than you know why you are on the earth, to grow, to farm the life. To live as a person is not easy at all, but you will survive.