

《黑暗巴洛克》Dark Baroque
愚者.jpg 演出日期 : 2009/5/15-16-17                    購票請洽 : 兩廳院售票系統
                                                                  幕實驗音樂劇。藉由巴洛克的創作元素象徵人類華麗縝密的思維,以及算計終究注定腐朽,而無知的人類卻永遠重蹈覆撤。黑暗巴洛克的音樂部份,使用的創作手法貫穿巴洛克式的複音對位到批判式的 hip hop / rap 。音樂創作者李婉菁(Sandra)本身於琵琶地音樂院的嚴格訓練背景,音樂與聲音的創作從古典音樂出發,到電腦音樂、配樂作曲、黑腔形式、聲音採集混音與環境音樂等,一直與影像有極密切的關係,電影中的影像譜創作形式發展出聲音組合的方式;古典音樂的樂譜的轉換,也能夠產生影像創作的結構,VJ的即刻傳送影像將把樂譜中的秘密與情感視覺化,意圖於劇中以音樂結合戲劇的手法檢視人類既貪婪卻又純真無知的實況。(插畫:毅峰 - "愚者" Copyright 2005)

現場音樂/現場視頻/錄影藝術 :

nINa sKY(盧森堡影像團隊)VJ



小祇 Chi –台灣–金屬黑腔


詩 – 孟浪

插畫 –毅峰


女人 捧著一顆蛋 讚歎其完美無暇

男人 流淚為自己的意志力敲起喪鐘

小孩 大笑



購票請洽 : 兩廳院售票系統
: 2009/05/15 (五) 20:30
            2009/5/16 (六) 16:00 / 20:30 (當天共演出兩場)
            2009/5/17 (日) 16:00
:  牯嶺街小劇場(北市牯嶺街5巷2號) MAP

李婉菁 – 音樂總監


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大目降台灣西拉雅族- 生於台北的台南新化人創作風格個人色彩濃厚, 專著於使用冷冽的電子音色表現最真摯的人性面。音樂型式跨越古典、電子異響、重金屬搖滾等。經年致力於電腦實驗音樂的演奏與創作、近年來並與台灣新生代導演吳俊輝、陳明秀、陳偉、及Discovery Channel 合作擔任配樂製作。曾經擔任古典(Indulge)、金屬樂團(閃靈樂團, 衹樂團) 鍵盤手,2008年盤古樂團台灣巡迴演出之鍵盤手。   
東吳音樂系、美國約翰霍普金斯大學琵琶地音樂院電腦音樂研所畢,論文《A Performer's Musicological Research in Performing Interactive Computer Music》獲選2004 International Computer Music Conference。




Sandra W. Li  -  Music Director


Master of Music in Computer Music from Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University.  Author of "A Performer's Musicological Research in Performing Interactive Computer Music" which was selected for 2004 International Computer Music Conference.  Li has devoted her music career focusing on computer music composition and performance. She also collaborated with new generation of Taiwanese Movie Directors, Tony Wu, Mia Chen, Chen Wei as a film music composer.

Li was the keyboardist for rock bands "Chthonic", "Chi", and "Indulge".  Guest keyboardist for "Punk God" during their 2008 concert tour.  Lis recent work including "Unknown Island" sound track for Discovery Channel.


陳文鈺 – 女高音



Indulge 跨界美聲樂團女主唱。台大法律系畢,美國智慧財產權法碩士,具紐約州律師資格,正職為科技公司的法律顧問。基於對音樂的熱情,大學時代參加吉他社與合唱團,跟著音樂同好友人一起在音樂中成長,常戲稱自己主修一個台大沒有的系:「音樂系」。工作之餘不斷參與音樂活動,同時盡量找機會學習聲樂,音樂涉獵從民歌、流行樂、古典聲樂到爵士樂,偶爾也寫寫歌。曾任台大合唱團指揮,參加過國立實驗合唱團、底細爵士合唱團,與好友合組過Sunday Choir;目前仍活躍於台大校友合唱團,並擔任蓮華之音合唱團指導老師。


Wendy, Wen-Yu Chen – Soprano


Wendy Chen is the female singer of Indulge, a music band for crossover music.  Graduated from National Taiwan University with a bachelor degree in law, obtained a master degree in Intellectual Property Law from United States, and admitted to New York State Bar subsequently, she currently works as an in-house lawyer in a technology company in Taipei.  With passion for music, she joined the guitar club and chorus in the university, and enjoyed learning & growing-up together with her friends who are also music lovers.  Utilizing her spare time after work, she tries to participate in various musical performances and take voice lessons from time to time.  Her musical performances include campus folk songs, pop music, classical and jazz.  She also composes music occasionally.  She was the student conductor of National Taiwan University Chorus, member of National Experimental Chorus, Dizzy Jazz Chorus, and Sunday Choir.  Currently, she is an active member of the National Taiwan University Alumni Chorus, and the conductor of the Buddhist Lotus Hospice Care Foundation Chorus.



張睿銓 – 說唱詩人

S_CJ9.jpg 彰化員林人,因與多次金曲獎得主阿弟仔合作單曲「平衡」獲頒「中華音樂人交流協會2003年十大優良單曲獎」,2004年於美國取得寫作碩士學位後返台。2006年由阿弟仔製作其首張專輯《創世記》,充滿社會意識,獲選「破報2006年20張華語專輯推薦」,和生祥與大竹研、林強並列其中。現於政治大學英文系任教,並於該校攻讀英語教學博士學位。

本著對台灣社會與教育的關心和熱忱,張睿銓所著之相關論述歷年來散見國內各大報。有感於青年學子對於民主、公理正義、與台灣歷史之觀念日漸模糊錯亂,張睿銓獲新聞局補助,進一步與台灣首席跨界唱盤手 DJ Point 合作,重新製作《創世記》部份原作,強化立足台灣、放眼國際之詩性化歌詞意境,於2007年推出《創世記第二章:重生》,獲美國獨立音樂網站評為「年度最佳台灣hip hop專輯」。該專輯中並收錄由南非電音大師MoShang(莫尚)重新製作之「囡仔」;該單曲是台灣流行音樂史上第一首忠實記錄二二八大屠殺事件與白色恐怖的歌曲,闡述台灣民主歷史發展,並提出對於勇敢健康的台灣年輕人之積極期許。首張精選輯《出走》將由有料音樂於今年5/1發行



Chang Jui-chuan - Rapper (Hip Hop Vocal)


A Taiwanese native, is a college lecturer of English composition who released in 2006 his first hip-hop album, Genesis. While politically and historically charged, both of his Taiwanese and English lyrics are calm, poetic, and truthful, and the themes in his lyrics can be easily traced back to the roots of justice, freedom, and true brotherhood. He is also one of those ultrarare MCs whose rhymes maintain the same level of sharpness and penetration when switching to a foreign language. His second album Resurrection (2007) is called by (USA) “best Taiwanese hip-hop album of the year.” Chang is currently pursuing a doctorate in language education and has released his first collection Exodus under the major label that represents outstanding bands like Sugar Plum Ferry and Chthonic.


小祇 – 黑腔



祇樂團主唱, 熱愛黑腔式創作與表演。
台灣重金屬樂界重要的新生代人物, 其黑腔嗓音特殊而深沈。




Chi - Black Metal Vocal


Chi is the lead of "Chi"- a black metal band established in Taiwan.

nINa sKY(盧森堡影像團隊)VJ




詩人  孟浪


Meng Lang

real name as Meng Junliang, born 1961 in Shanghai. In the early 1980s he became a representative figure in China's avant garde poetry movement. In 1995 he was writer-in-residence at Brown University,U.S.A. He is co-founder of the Independent Chinese PEN Center. He has four published poetry collections, including One Living in This Century. He currently lives in both Hong Kong and Boston.



插畫家  毅峰

出生於香港,畢業於台灣復興美工西畫組,曾經入圍日本高校藝術大賞並獲各類美術獎項。200110月於日本「CG Magazine 國際中文版雜誌連載CG教學」,於許多雜誌中刊載過作品。2005年於美國洛杉磯及台北Pixie展出「EVANSHOW」個人畫展、2006年發行《毅峰複製原畫集「背叛童話」》、2007年發行《毅峰複製原畫集「危險童話」》等。





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